DOI: 10.17151/jurid.2022.19.2.7
How to Cite
Cadena Afanador, W., & Fuentes Feria, E. M. (2022). Origin of the declaration of nullity or recognition of contractual non-existence in the Colombian legal system. Jurídicas, 19(2), 124–144.


Walter Cadena Afanador
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
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Ellen Marcela Fuentes Feria
Universidad Libre
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This paper analyzes the Colombian civil and commercial regulations that enshrine the categories
of non-existence and validity of contracts. The differences between private and commercial law
will be identified in the face of the phenomenon of non-existence. The shortcomings in the expressions
used by the Colombian legislation will be examined. For this purpose, jurisprudence and the most significant doctrine in relation to the legal consequences in the lack of formalities or essential elements of the contracts will be studied. The different hypotheses developed regarding the figure of non-existence and its respective consequences are evaluated through a dogmatic, qualitative, normative and descriptive methodology, with a view to the judicial action in case of controversy. Finally, a legal tool is proposed to go to the jurisdiction without blurring the figure of non-existence both in commercial matters and, specially, in civil matters.

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