DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2020.17.22.12
How to Cite
Guzmán Ramírez, J. A., & Cabuya Velandia, J. A. . (2020). The act of interpretation as a process to identify attributes for characterization in animated characters. Kepes, 17(22), 301–343.


Jesús Alejandro Guzmán Ramírez
Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
Perfil Google Scholar
Jose Angel Cabuya Velandia
Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
Perfil Google Scholar


This document seeks to take a look at the relationships between animation and performance as knowledge intimately involved with movement and the body, as well as to identify the contributions that arise between both of them and the evolution that took place to reach this symbiosis. From this perspective, a clear interaction of the technological capture devices is detected as an integration between both disciplines through the process of prior body registration and its analysis synthesized in shapes and strokes, being in turn the most recognized cheme through which the animation has had its development as an audiovisual representation system. The aim is not to develop a new methodology, but rather to show the uses and fields of interaction that have already existed for decades in international productions, but that are not yet sufficiently used in the national scene, creating a gap in the appropriation of one of he most recurrent practices for professional entertainers such as Acting. From the observation and verification of the differences and similarities between both disciplines, work pilots were built that sought to bring the work of the actor closer to that of the animator, not as a subordination of one to another in any sense, but as an interdisciplinary cooperation that enhances animated language. To corroborate the hypotheses raised regarding these links between acting performance and the animated phenomenon, different practices were developed with animators and actors revolving around scripts and narratives for animation, which allowed the construction of cooperation scenarios in pursuit of a better characterization of the characters inside. Finally, it was possible to observe an evolution in the competences of the participants, both in their own knowledge and in the sense they gave to their counterpart from the other front of the movement.

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