DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.19.10
How to Cite
Rivera-Plata, A. . (2019). Thinking from the designer: approaches to a methodology for the epistemological replacement of other designs. Kepes, 16(19), 252–275.


Alejandro Rivera-Plata
Escuela de Comunicación y Bellas Artes de la Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación
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This article exposes an ontological and methodological perspective that involves life stories as a method and situated knowledge as an approach, with the intention of proposing a platform for the epistemological replacement of "other designs".

In the configuration of what is understood as design, some structures of the social type can be recognized, in the middle of which centers of production of knowledge in design are instituted that have been in charge of defining and arranging theoretically and operationally what is recognized as design. Also, peripherally, other organizations that produce design develop and unfold. These peripheries behave according to the degree of closeness with the centers of production institutionalized in the definition of the design.

Peripheral organizations as environments for living the design of a defined group of individuals, individuals with a 'different' experience of design due to their peripheral condition. Likewise, conditions are recognized that tend to particularize the knowledge that is produced from these 'places'.

From the theory of situated knowledge, which proposes an epistemological privilege of those individuals who are subjected to the structures of domination that marginalize them, privilege given by their experience and the ability to understand it that only they can account for, different things can be known or certain things can be known better in front of those more favored (socially or politically).

In order to make visible and tacit the product of the experience of these individuals, life stories, as a method, are presented as an ideal resource for the reconstruction of experience lived. Through them it is possible to access the relationships between the subjective and the social institutions, the imaginaries and the symbolic representations, allowing readings of the social and describing the knowledge placed on the design that has been built between these facts of the social.

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