DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2017.14.15.7
How to Cite
López León, R. ., & Villa Carmona, G. A. . (2017). The design classroom as a scenario of exploration between visual literacy and critical thinking. Kepes, 14(15), 173–194.


Ricardo López León
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Perfil Google Scholar
Gustavo Alberto Villa Carmona
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar


Some of the results obtained in the research project "Photography as a medium for the development of visual literacy", in which different strategies were analyzed to enhance the development of visual literacy and critical thinking in students of the graphic design program of the Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes (Mexico), are shared in this article. Visual literacy refers to the ability people have for interpreting and generating images from the study of the components that constitute visual language, a competence that is a fundamental input in the practices within the design classrooms thus becoming a relevant item for the research and the qualification of design professionals.

The article shows one of the laboratories implemented where the third-year students of the Graphic Design program, after reading the chapter The Medium is the Message by Marshall McLuhan, visualized one of the concepts of the text. The image that was hosted on a virtual platform for discussion in class.

Among the findings, the reader will know the synthesis of the analysis of four of the 27 images made which allows appreciating, among other things, that students need to develop argumentative skills related to the principles of critical thinking. In addition, in their projective exercise, the interpretation of concepts must be consistent with the active values of their environment, which enables the generation of products that meet the contextual requirements. As a conclusion, it is established that reflective decoding proper to visual literacy and procedures of interpretation and representation of knowledge, inherent in critical thinking, should be assumed as teaching-learning strategies in the courses that form the curriculum of the Graphic Design Bachelor's degree.

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