How to Cite
Schultz, M. (2007). The human factor and the androide/gynoide factor Identity problems in the cyberculture. Kepes, 4(3), 125–139. Retrieved from


Margarita Schultz
Universidad de Chile


Based on the analysis of technology from “the human factor”, the identity problems in the cyberculture are approached in order to conclude in the necessity of adopting the critical integration position as a balanced one, assuming the Information Technologies phenomena in their pro’s and con’s, in that ample and diversified space that opens between the apocalyptic rejection and the mere integrated acceptance. The article proposes to establish differential factors between humans and machines based on the resolution of problems, learning from one’s own experience, creativity in decision making, and self-conscience (self-recognition, knowledge of one’s self). The existence or non-existence of these functions in computerization machines unavoidably touches the way we characterize (we define) their contents. 

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