DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.25.4
How to Cite
Goyeneche-Gómez, E. . (2022). A visual literacy program for the use and distribution of photographs: visual epistemology of the core of a private corporation. Kepes, 19(25), 79–105.


Edward Goyeneche-Gómez
Universidad de La Sabana
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This article studies, from a historical perspective, the case of a unique visual literacy program developed by the Photographic Section of the Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) between 1943 and 1950. The main objective is to describe and analyze a set of features and characteristics of this epistemic process based on the approach of the techniques, rules, instructions, recommendations and procedures of visual literacy for the use of photographs within the framework of a sophisticated distribution system that was adapted to a visual communication strategy, unprecedented in the history of corporate communication in public relations in the industry. The methodological approach, of a qualitative documentary type supported by primary sources, establishes a relational scheme between two textual and visual metadocuments of training and visual training, The Use of Photographs and Training Program, and a wide corpus of documents that allows understanding, as it is possible to conclude in the article, the epistemic conceptualization of the visual literacy scheme, the features of its institutional functioning, the description and examination of the transformations of the techniques of the visual knowledge device that it was putting to test, and the forms and modes of diffusion and distribution of the results.

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