DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.25.18
How to Cite
Ramon, R., & Alonso-Sanz, A. (2022). C/a/r/tography in the classroom as an instrument of creative, visual and complex thought development through the arts. Kepes, 19(25), 531–563.


Ricard Ramon
Universitat de València
Perfil Google Scholar
Amparo Alonso-Sanz
Universitat de València
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This article reviews traditional, critical, artistic cartography, cultural and community mapping in their relationship with the ‘pedagogical and artistic social cartography’ that has been on the rise in artistic education in recent times. The necessary differentiation of the ‘pedagogical and artistic social cartography’ is proposed under the term c/a/r/tography and the need for a greater definition based on the postulates of the c/a/r/tography perspective is justified. The 532 objective is to verify the operation and the characteristic features of c/a/r/tography as a visual methodology for artistic research and teaching. Through Research Based on the Arts data are collected in a study of 13 cases developed at Universidad de Valencia which are analyzed with qualitative methods. The results categorize how c/a/r/tographies connections are visualized. how information is superimposed in the process, what the creative and participatory process is like, and how its creators are distributed in space. Finally, a theoretical contribution is offered on the general, technical and creative characteristics of c/a/r/tographies. The c/a/r/tography is at the same time a work of art, a map and a representation, an educational content in a moment of teaching or in a workshop, a social sculpture or relational event, a reflection, a story, a dialogue and an inquiry. As a research instrument, it facilitates data analysis, results presentation and shared discussion. The main conclusions have to do with their ability to visually literate and generate and shared complex thinking.

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