DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.26.10
How to Cite
Martínez Luna, S. . (2022). Images in circulation. An approach to digital visual culture from the crisis of the specificity of the photographic medium. Kepes, 19(26), 317–348.


Sergio Martínez Luna
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Perfil Google Scholar


The article studies the issue of the specificity of the medium in the context of the transformations of digitization, especially the current condition of photography. Digitization intensifies the contradictions in the discourse on the autonomy of the photographic medium, as it dilutes the differences between still and moving images, and even between analogue and digital images. The images interconnected in the network are simultaneously singular and multiple, they present internal and external mobility and their forms of appearance and connectivity are dependent on operations that go beyond human perception. Questioning terms such as flow and circulation, the article proposes the articulation between scales and rhythms, between a look at images that is both distant and concentrated, capable of critically addressing the current conditions of production and reception of cultural expressions.

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