DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2023.20.28.2
How to Cite
Hidalgo Rodríguez, M. C., & Torena-Carro, D. (2024). The representation of older people in current illustrated publications. Messages contained in children’s picture books and graphic novels for adults. Kepes, 20(28), 15–48.


Mª Carmen Hidalgo Rodríguez
, Universidad de Granada
Perfil Google Scholar
Denisse Torena-Carro
Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay Montevideo
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In an aging society, with a tendency to discrimination, it became essential to investigate which paradigms of aging are predominant in publications where the image is the key to the narrative. Using a qualitative method, 18 children’s picture books and 13 graphic novels were analyzed where the protagonists are older people, in order to extract the most common literary-plastic narrative resources, as well as the discourses and values that emerge from them. Regarding the picture books, the stories that focus on the endearing relationship between grandparents and grandchildren stand out, followed by picture books focused on the illness of the grandparent typical of advanced old age and where the grandchild is their support fundamental. In graphic novels, narratives stand out where a young woman seeks her identity from the memory of her grandparents, followed by stories that identify older people as bearers of knowledge, or where older people are empowered. In all these publications, visual metaphors are essential graphic resources to talk about the consequences of old age, and in the specific case of graphic novels, the counterpoint also stands out, not only between image and text, but also to tell stories with different points of view from the image. The different typologies obtained evidenced the thematic variety in each genre, as well as the evolution in the representation of old age according to the target audience. However, at the same time, it was concluded that there are deficiencies in terms of roles and values, such as the disconnection of the elderly person from the role of grandfather living his own life in picture books, and intergenerational relationships based on mutual respect or the treatment of death more naturally in graphic novels

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