How to Cite
Arcila Rodríguez, W. O., & Soto Builes, N. (2011). Construction of an investigative map in education and pedagogy at universidad de Manizales (2000-2010). Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 7(1), 57–80. Retrieved from


William Orlando Arcila Rodríguez
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Norelly Soto Builes
Universidad Manizales. Universidad Autónoma


This paper aims to describe and explain how some theoretical and investigative regions in the Master’s in Education have been constituting and interweaving in the context of a research project called “Investigative Regions in Education and Pedagogy in Colombia: Building an Investigative Activity Map in the Period 2000-2010” from the Social and Human Sciences Faculty at Universidad de Manizales, in order to build a research and knowledge production territory in which the meaning constructions and the new research forms that allow to apprehend such meanings are privileged. The research macro-priject sought to define the ionvestigative emergencies in in education and pedagogy Master’s and doctoral programs in the country and tried to collect insights and meaning clouds which arise in research carried out in the last decade. The scenario “methodology” is located in the complementarity approach proposed by Murcia and Jaramillo (2008), which from its multiplicity and possible action allowed in a first moment the construction of the research file (RIEP1), and the systematization of found information to complete the description and construction of these regions in a second moment. The unit of analysis and work was conducted in 61 Master’s theses, the understanding focus used in the review of such works were: Year, Social Actors, Purposes, issues addressed, Supporting Theories and Methodology, which constitute in themselves in the major categories of analysis.

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