DOI: 10.17151/luaz.2022.54.5
How to Cite
Solano López, D. J., Mora Delgado, J., & Duque, G. (2022). Forest cover and scenic beauty: an analysis of the remarkable trees of Cali (Colombia). Revista Luna Azul (On Line), (54), 82–96.


Derlyn Johana Solano López
Universidad del Valle
Jairo Mora Delgado
Universidad del Tolima
Guillermo Duque
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Palmira
Perfil Google Scholar


Forest cover is an element of scenic beauty, a constitutive concept of cultural ecosystem services (CES). Its aesthetic value is appreciated at the landscape scale, where the holistic aspect becomes important in the perception of citizens. In this line, the trees and their had acquired a core imprint for the improvement of the habitat and the production of CES, based on the conservation of green spaces in cities, as a constitutive element of the quality of urban life, and the improvement of community cohesion; This contributes to human well-being and health, as a support to sustainable development. This study had as objective the dasometric characterization of notable trees, belonging to the species Albizia saman and Ceiba pentandra in two spaces: the locations of the city of Cali and the Meléndez Campus of the Universidad del Valle. Thus, dasometric evaluations were carried out in the two mentioned spaces. For the quantitative analysis of dasometric variables, a descriptive statistic was developed with the Infostat software. The results suggest that the individuals declared as notable trees in the municipality of Santiago de Cali represent 35.47% and 32.09%, respectively for A. saman and C. petandra, presenting differences for each of the species ( p <0.05), depending on the established spaces. However, its dimensions were those expected for the species and the state of development of the individuals, criteria used for their classification as notable trees. This dasometric characterization represents a basis for undertaking forest cover planning and management projects in Santiago de Cali, which aim at the integral management of its green spaces, the basis of its scenic beauty and constituent of the CES.

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