
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Is the topic of the article directly related to family studies or gender relations?
  • The content of the manuscript is original and unpublished, it has not been published in another medium (magazine, Preprint, Conference Proceedings, among others), in addition, it will not be sent for publication in another medium while the evaluation and acceptance process lasts.
  • All authors must have read the documents Guidelines for authors and Ethical policies of the Magazine.
  • The corresponding author must Register or enter the platform Open Journal System (OJS) and it will be converted in charge of communication and sending all documentation with the Magazine.
  • The version of the manuscript to be sent was reviewed and approved by all authors and must present the following structure:

    • -First page (manuscript presentation page). It contains only the title (in at least two languages) and the main information about the authors.

    • -Second and subsequent pages (body of the manuscript). They do not present evidence of the authors' identities (to maintain anonymity in the evaluation) and comply with the requirements of form, length, presentation and structure.
  • All references within the manuscript and sources must be presented according to APA Standards, Seventh Edition (authors are responsible for checking references). Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The authors' declaration of commitment format is sent completed and signed by all of them (in a single document).
  • The CV sheet formats are sent for each of the authors of the manuscript (the number of documents is equal to the number of authors). They must be presented in Word format (.doc or .docx ).
  • The checklist format for submitting manuscripts is sent completed and reviewed by all authors. It must be signed by the corresponding author in a single document.

Author Guidelines

Latin American Journal of Family Studies is a scientific publication, open access without APC cost (Article Processing Charge) that circulates semestrally in the national and international level, under the Department of Family Studies at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, edited and funded by Universidad de Caldas. The Journal receives articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish on original and unpublished research that contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the academic and scientific discussion in social sciences, particularly in the areas of family studies and gender relations. In turn it is a space where academics and professionals can publish research, reflection or revision articles. The Journal is published in print and digital format (PDF).


Its overall objective is to spread knowledge built on families as a result of research and intervention processes and theoretical and methodological gender perspective and appreciation of diversity reflections. Its specific objectives are: to provide a  national and international forum for discussion in the field of family studies and gender relations; to stimulate new thinking and interpretation trends around this social group and participate in the debate on the changes and transformations of families in contemporary societies and social responses through public policy actions.


The authors wishing to submit articles for consideration by the Editorial Committee of the Journal shall:


  1. Send the article on the OJS: Submissions; the article must meet one of the categories proposed by the Journal for scientific articles. Moreover, in the subject line, the type of article that has been submitted must be indicated.


  1. The Journal publishes original research articles, according to the following types:


Research articles. These include articles resulting from original research or documented processes in the areas of family studies or gender relations. The structure of the article is as follows: introduction, theoretical and conceptual referent, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions and references.


Review articles. These articles present a completed research in which the results of published or unpublished research on a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated in order to account for the progress and development trends in the field being analyzed.  The document should indicate the period covered by the work and be exhaustive against the stated objective. This information should be precise and be included at the beginning of the article, and it also should report the number of works considered and databases and sources consulted.


This type of article is characterized by a careful literature review of at least 50 references. The authors should argue, support or controvert the information contained in the review. Also they will make a critical contribution on the strengths, weaknesses and potential of the proposed research topic.


Reflection article: These articles present finished research results from an analytical, an interpretative, or a critical perspective of the author about any of the Journal’s objects of study.  The results should be comprehensive in terms of analysis and exposure of the arguments to support their conclusions. These articles include introduction, discussion, conclusions and references as well as being supported by original sources


Latin American Journal of Family Studies publishes, at the Editorial Committee consideration, other articles such as letters to the editor, interviews, reviews, as well as reproductions and translations of other work or articles previously published in other academic media or scientific journals. For this purpose, the sources and origin of the original text, as well as the respective permits for publication must be clearly indicated.



  1. The article must be submitted in Word format. Similarly it should include:  title, author or authors and contact address (email and postal address). It is essential to indicate which author will be responsible to receive and send correspondence or otherwise it will be assumed that the first author will take care of this function. The text must be typed with double spacing, Arial font, and size 12. Inside the article the core data of the author should be specified, including: maximum schooling, institutional affiliation, city, state or province, country, email (institutional) and ORCID (http://orcid.org/).


  1. The reference of the article must be accompanied by the CV resume of each of the authors (see format on the web) and the transfer of rights letter signed by all authors (see format on the web).


  1. Write the article with a maximum length of 8000 words which must be preceded by a brief analytical abstract (objective, methodology, results and conclusions) of the work, in Spanish and English, not exceeding the 150 words. Immediately after this abstract four to six keywords must appear   identifying the main issues under discussion.


  1. Write the critiques and book reviews with a maximum of 4000 words which must be preceded by the name, last name and profession of the person making the criticism or review, as well as the complete bibliographic elements (name and last name of the author, full title of the book, edition number, and city of publication, publisher, and year of publication).



  1. Submit unpublished articles. If it is a translated article the sources and origin of the original text, as well as the respective permits for publication should be clearly indicated.


  1. Send the graphs, maps and photographs at a minimum 266 dpi resolution in jpg or gif format.  The annexes to the article should go alongside the tables indicating the place where they will be located within the text. All these resources should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and indicate clearly the corresponding source(s). Only horizontal lines should be used in the tables according to the APA rules, Sixth Edition.


  1. Cite bibliographical sources, less than 40 words within the text as follows: (author, year, and page). Example: (Muñoz, 1996, p. 30). Citations with more than 40 words are written apart from the text, indented, unquoted and without italics. At the end of the citation the period is placed before the datum -Remember that in less than 40 words citations the period is placed after the datum. 


  1. Footnotes numbered consecutively are used only for clarification, comments, discussions, delivered by the author and should go in the corresponding page, in order to facilitate the reader tracking of the reading of the text.


  1. References are made based on the APA rules, Sixth Edition. Remember that all references must have hanging indent. So:




Last name, Author’s name initials. (Year).  Title of the book. Publication place: Publishing house. 


Salazar, L.M. (2008). Las viudas de la violencia política. Trayectorias de vida y estrategias de sobrevivencia en Colombia. Ciudad de México, México: El Colegio Mexiquense.


Book with an Editor:

Last Name, Author’s name initials (Ed). (Year). Title. City, country: Publishing house. 


Mendoza, D. (Ed.). (2004). Historia, género y familia en Iberoamérica (siglos XVI-XX). Caracas, Venezuela: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Fundación Konrad Adenauer.


Book Chapter: 

Last name, Author’s name initials. (Year). Chapter Title. Initials of the editor or Publisher name. Last name. (Ed) or (Comp), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Place of Publication: Publishing house. 


Seidler, V. (1985). La violencia: ¿el juego del hombre? En J.C. Ramírez y G. Uribe (Coord.). Masculinidades. El juego de género de los hombres en el que participan las mujeres (pp. 113-130). Ciudad de México, México: Plaza y Valdés.


Journal article:

Last name, Author’s name initials. (Year). Article Title. Name of Journal, volume (number), pp-pp.


Seal, D. and Ehrhardt, A. (2003). Masculinity and urban men: Perceived scripts for courtship, romantic, and sexual interactions with women. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 5 (4), 1298-1333.


Article with DOI:

Last name, Author’s name initials. (Year). Title of Article. Name of Journal, volume (number), pp-pp. doi: xx.xxxxxxx.


Bezuidenhout, A. (2006). Consciousness and Language (review). Language, 82 (4), 930-934. doi: 10.1353/lan.2006.0184.


Newspaper Article:

Last name, Author’s name initials (Date). Title of Article. Name of Newspaper pp-pp.


Caballero, A. (5 de septiembre de 2009). La compra del golpe de Estado. Revista Semana.


Graduate or Undergraduate Thesis:

Last name, Author’s name initials (Year). Title of Thesis (Undergraduate, Master’s or Doctoral Thesis). Name of Institution, place.


Caicedo, M. (2008). Migración de mujeres centroamericanas y caribeñas hacia Estados Unidos y su inserción laboral (tesis de posgrado). El Colegio de México, Ciudad de México, México.



Last name, Author’s name initials (Year).  Title of Article. Taken from (URL).



Arriagada, I. (2004). Estructuras familiares, trabajo y bienestar en América Latina. Recuperado de http://repositorio.cepal.org/handle/11362/6775.


For more information contact:

German Dario Herrera-S.

Editor of Latin American Journal of Family Studies.

E-mail: revista.latinofamilia@ucaldas.edu.

Department of Family Studies, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Calle 65, No. 26-10, Edificio del Parque, Manizales.

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