DOI: 10.17151/rlef.2023.15.2.3
How to Cite
Gutiérrez Rodríguez, N., Álvarez Lorenzo, M., & Rodrigo López, M. J. (2023). Parenting in Latin-American families after migration: a systematic review of risk factors and protective factors. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 15(2), 37–67.


Nauzet Gutiérrez Rodríguez
Universidad de La Laguna
Perfil Google Scholar
María José Rodrigo López
Universidad de La Laguna
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Objective: This review aims to identify the risk and protection factors that influence parenthood in Latin American families after migration to the two main countries that receive the Latino population, the United States and Spain. Methodology: A systematic review of scientific articles was carried out through the PRISMA protocol. A total of 17 studies published between 2006-2019 on the exercise of parenting by migrant Latin American families in both countries were included. Results: Multiple risk and protective factors were identified from different systems related to parenting. Sociodemographic factors, such as lower incomes and job insecurity, were the most documented risk factors and were related to parental stress and inadequate educational styles. Microsystems factors, such as authoritarian styles and beliefs of parents or lack of affection were related to a greater likelihood of disruptive behavioral problems in children. Factors from the exosystem, such as the absence of support, were related to greater social isolation and less community integration. Macrosystem factors, such as acculturation, were related to higher parental stress and lower perception of parenting competence. The protective factors were found mainly in the microsystem (such as, attachment) and in the exosystem (such as, social support). Conclusions: Migration is not in itself negative or positive for the exercise of the parental task but rather it is the risk and protection factors in the new ecosystem that hinder or favor the exercise of parenting. Social policies and interventions aimed at Latin American migrant families should be designed considering the impact of different risk and protection factors on family dynamics.

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