DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2019.21.1.3
How to Cite
Quintín Quílez, P. (2019). Inheritance as a symbol of family relationships in Hector Abad Faciolince’s novel, La Oculta. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 21(1), 59–81.


Pedro Quintín Quílez
Universidad del Valle
Perfil Google Scholar


The objective of this paper is to offer a socio-cultural analysis of Héctor Abad Faciolince`s novel La Oculta (2014), that has as the center of the plot the story of a family farmhouse located in the southwest area of the Antioqueña colonization. In methodological terms, the text is addressed as a compilation of imaginary testimonies from which conventions and assessments about what inter-personal links should be can be scanted. In the novel, the farmhouse acquires its own entity in the lives of those who own and inhabit it, while these people define themselves and are individualized thanks to their constant divergence about the property, both in terms of generations and gender. In fact, the heritage of the good is the first fact from which the characters try to locate themselves in the world and close the gaps and uncertainties of collective life

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