DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2022.24.2.4
How to Cite
Lozano Andrade, J. S. . (2022). Reconstruction of the concept of artistic practices in community processes from an anarchist and anthropological perspective. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 24(2), 61–80.


Juan Sebastián Lozano Andrade
Universidad de los Andes
Perfil Google Scholar


The study of art when it involves the social sphere has acquired great relevance in contemporary anthropology. Hence, this article has been the result of reconstructing the concept of artistic practices, from the approach of anthropology of contemporary art, in order to relate it to community processes and anarchism. The focus on the reconstruction of the concept of artistic practices has allowed us to center, not on the aesthetic sphere, but, rather, on their effect on the state of things. This means that artistic practices in community processes are carried out in those spaces where hegemonic institutions do not have a preponderant role (intermediate spaces) and recognizes that people involved are also encounter facilitators; which breaks the idea that the artist-collective comes to empower people. That is why we take the anarchist precepts to talk about what is implicit in the processes and relationships that this kind of practices generate. This allows us to consider that those artistic practices in community processes do not revolve only around art and its practices, but also involve different spheres of our life, such as violence, gender and social movements. 

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