How to Cite
Chaparro Guevara, G. (2008). Non-linearity, complexity and social systems. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 10, 197–219. Retrieved from


Graciela Chaparro Guevara
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Tunja


The article starts by presenting an overview of the attempts to develop models of reality, ranging from the  traditional linear view of the Natural Sciences, to conceptions that accept the existence of chaos and  unpredictability. Afterwards, the article raises the possibility of applying intermediate solutions that enable  the modeling of complex phenomena by means of the search for a different form of order with the use of  concepts such as feedback, non-linearity, strange attractors, chaos and complexity; as well as using examples on how that order can be manifested in chaos. It is noted that these concepts are beginning to be  incorporated more and more to the study of social systems, since they possess an inherent complexity due to the multiplicity of components that are interrelated.

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