DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2023.25.2.9
How to Cite
Duque Ossa, L. M., Vanegas García, J. H., & Medrano Benavides, J. L. (2023). Bodily memory of ex-combatants in the coffee triangle region: from the body trained for armed conflict to the reconciliated body: habeas corpus. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 25(2), 209–234.


José Hoover Vanegas García
Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
Perfil Google Scholar
Jose Luis Medrano Benavides
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
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The armed conflict occurs from, with and through the bodies which brings consequences on the health of ex-combatants and the development of their reintegration route. This article presents findings on the experiences that left their mark on the bodies of ex-combatants that they barely manage to silence in their multiple attempts to forget them. So, recognizing the memory of the war in the bodies is necessary to promote models of psychosocial action that mitigate the impacts of the conflict. From the Reconstruction of the historical memory project, research was carried out that used data collection tools and information analysis from quantitative and qualitative techniques, that included a sample of 237 people from the regular and special reintegration process, who came from FARC, AUC, ELN and EPL, as well as 35 in-depth interviews, 25 biographical accounts and 15 focus groups. The memory of their bodies shows that, although they were trained for the conflict, they later go through changes that express humanity, gratitude and reconciliation; overcoming their adversity. The innovation in the conception of the Reconciled Body “Habeas Corpus” reveals the nexus of its psychosocial recovery for reconciliation, becoming essential for the national reintegration policy.

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