DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2024.26.1.3
How to Cite
Ramírez-Pio, F., Rodríguez-Cuenca, J. V., & Cadena-Duarte, B. (2024). Considerations on venereal treponematosis in pre-Hispanic and historical times in the lower Magdalena region, northwestern South America. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 26(1), 61–84.


Francisco Ramírez-Pio
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar
José Vicente Rodríguez-Cuenca
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bibiana Cadena-Duarte
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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Treponematoses are a group of infectious diseases caused by spirochetes, some of which affect populations where they are endemic, as is the case of yaws or Bejel, which are associated with sanitary deficiencies, while others are of venereal origin, such as syphilis (WHO, 2023). In America, the existence of these ailments has been documented since preceramic times and recent archaeological findings in the Colombian Caribbean plains revealed a probable case of luetic disease. The present research sought to explore the behavior of treponematosis in the lower Magdalena from pre-Hispanic times to the colonial period (8th century A.D. - 17th century A.D.). In this study, 67 individuals from the archaeological sites Turbana, Samán Norte, Plan Bonito, Simití, El Salado, La Pasión and Carmen de Bolívar were systematically analyzed, following the criteria proposed by Steckel et al. (2006), Rothschild and Rothschild (1995) and Rodríguez (2005). It was found that 16.41% of the individuals analyzed were affected by gum, which is a characteristic of the presence of treponema in the tertiary stage and precisely the case with the highest affectation and with a high probability of having suffered from the disease for a long time. These results invite us to make several considerations on the diagnostic approach to venereal treponematosis, to ponder the determinants involved in the prevalence of the disease in the region over time, and to reflect on the care strategies and sexual behavior of these populations.

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