DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2024.26.1.4
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Guevara-Batllori, M. D., Suby, J., & Novellino, P. (2024). Schmorl nodules and their relationship with body biomechanical demand. Comparative study in human remains from the mountains and plains of north-central Mendoza during the late Holocene. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 26(1), 85–102.


María Daniela Guevara-Batllori
Museo de Ciencias Naturales y Antropológicas “J.C. Moyano”, Mendoza, Argentina.
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Jorge Suby
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
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Paula Novellino
Museo de Ciencias Naturales y Antropológicas “J.C. Moyano”, Mendoza, Argentina.
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One of the most common lesions affecting the spine in human remains of archaeological origin are Schmorl's nodules (SN), whose origin is usually attributed to multiple causes, such as joint degenerative processes, trauma or functional stress due to physical activity. The aim of this work is to analyze the presence of NS in adult individuals from North-Central Mendoza (CNM) during the time period 2400-300 years BP and to relate their frequency to the possible cultural changes that occurred during this period. We recorded 26% of individuals with NS in the analyzed sample (7/27), most of them with multiple lesions and greater involvement in the lumbar segment (9%). Young adults showed a higher prevalence (33%) than older adults (17%), which would suggest that degenerative processes would not be the main cause of NS, but that it would be related to physical activity patterns resulting from economic and cultural practices. In addition, it was more frequent in individuals from the mountain region (33%) compared to those from the plains (22%) during the period considered. This suggests that the lifestyles of groups living in mountainous areas would have had a greater demand for biomechanical stress, with greater impact on the spine, which was not a constant during the period analyzed.

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