DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2023.28.36.4
How to Cite
Bellatin-Torres, J. H. (2023). From the “problem child” to the pharmaco-dependent adolescent: autoethnographical notes of a socially structured biographical trajectory from the diagnosis of ADHD. Cultura Y Droga, 28(36), 80–103.


Jorge H. Bellatin-Torres
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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In this article, the author analyses his biographical trajectory as subject diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and as a user of psychoactive drugs prescribed to treat the symptoms of his diagnosis. To do this, he considers the period that goes from his initial insertion in school life -3 years old- until his entry into university life –18 years old–. Autoethnography, a narrative method designed from the criticism of the positivist claim regarding the formation of knowledge, serves as the guiding methodological resource of this proposal. As main results, the author shows how the meanings around his behaviors begin to vary according to the spatiotemporal context in which he was located within the school and the family. The modification of the social understanding of such behaviors had the final result of their pathologization in the context of secondary education through the medical award of the diagnostic label of ADHD. In the same way, it is seen how the consumption of psychotropic drugs begin to be configured as an external disciplinary imposition on the subject to, finally, become an apparently freely arising desire. The conformation of the subjectivity of the individual, to the extent that his biographical trajectory demonstrates it, progressively ends up being more conditioned by the consumption of psychotropic drugs than by the symbolic weight of the diagnostic label. The need to carry out similar approaches that take into account delving into the results presented is concluded.

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