DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2023.28.36.6
How to Cite
Christiansen, M. L. (2023). Diagnoses, psychotropic drugs and epistemic injustice: economics of (non)credibility in psychiatric patients. Cultura Y Droga, 28(36), 128–154.


María Luján Christiansen
Universidad de Guanajuato
Perfil Google Scholar


This article explores the complex relationship between the classifying dynamics of medical psychiatry and the philosophical notion of Epistemic Injustice, proposed by Miranda Fricker in 1990. The starting point in this work is the statement that the philosophers Crichton, Carel and Kidd made in this regard in the bulletin of the British Journal of Psychiatry in 2017. The objectives of this work are 1) to critically reflect on the successes and failures of this approach; and 2) to expand the proposal of these authors to include the two modalities that Epistemic Injustice can take regarding diagnostic systems of the DSM5-TR or ICD-11 type, namely, Testimonial Injustice and Hermeneutical Injustice. A documentary analysis of selected works has been carried out to achieve these objectives, which make up the critical-argumentative apparatus of this work. As a result of this journey, the introduction and promotion of
a Second Person Perspective is proposed, which becomes a space for collaborative construction between the professional, the consultant and the caregiver environment when making important clinical decisions (an alternative to unilateral First and Third
Person Perspectives). This resource represents an effort to value the interpretative, comprehensive, and socio-constructionist dimension of psychiatry.

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