How to Cite
Vélez García, J. F. ., Cobo Ángel, C. ., & Varón Álvarez, L. . (2013). Attachments of primates’ shoulder and arm intrinsic muscle. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 7(1), 8–20. Retrieved from


Juan Fernando Vélez García
Universidad de Caldas
Claudia Cobo Ángel
Universidad de Caldas
Lesley Varón Álvarez
Universidad de Caldas


ABSTRACT: The intrinsic muscles of the thoracic limb have their origins and insertions on bones and / or fascia of the limb. The primates’ shoulder and arm muscles show intraspecific variability, interspecific variability, and even in collateral limbs of the same specimen. On the other hand, there are some muscles that do not show important differences between primates such as the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. The importance of knowing these variabilities and similarities between primates is that the veterinarian will be able to consider them when performing a surgical approach in these regions. This study checks the origins and insertions of the intrinsic muscles of the primates’ shoulder and arm, presenting an analysis of each region at the end, and the last part of the article sets out proposals for research in non-human primate anatomy.

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