How to Cite
Apráez Guerrero, J. E. ., Fernández Pármo, L. ., & Hernández González, A. . (2011). Effects of sex and castration in the reproductive behavior and quality in the guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 5(1), 20–25. Retrieved from


José Edmundo Apráez Guerrero
Universidad de Nariño, Pasto
Lissette Fernández Pármo
Universidad Agraria de La Habana
Alejandro Hernández González
Universidad Agraria de La Habana


ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to study the effects of sex and castration on productive parameters, behaviour and the organoleptic quality of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) carcass. A completely randomized design was applied with three physiological states (complete males, castrated males, and females) and six repetitions. The animals were maintained under a similar feeding and handling system. The variables were analyzed statistically: Logistic, Von Bretalanfy, Richards, second degree and cubic polynomial models were used for the description and analysis of growth behaviour. The parameters were estimated using the minimum square method for the linear models, while the non linear models were estimated using the Maguart method (1963). Finally, it was proved that castration does not influence on growth rate but it does facilitate handling of males; also it improves organoleptic properties of the meat and the carcass quality for its commercialization.

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